Wrapped Individual Final Image/ Artist Statement


    This project was introduced to us as a way to represent a predetermined topic from a list that we as a class had to choose from, in this case the topic of Loss was chosen. Specifics were to wrap at least 95% of a human model to represent the chosen topic. Rather than represent mainstream loss through traditional means such as through obvious representation a more unique approach was taken.

    Loss is represent through signs of depression and loss of function in said representative forms. Being bound by ones loss is shown by the arms being bound and held by the sheets on the pillars, as well as the black sheets draping over showing how loss is all consuming, showing no sign of relent. That being said being blinded by grief of such loss is shown by the red sheet wrapped around the models eyes. Location held significance as well, being that places of worship can lead to great reminders of loss, as well as hoping this feeling is lifted and peace is found.


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