Touch Assignment




"Language is steeped in metaphors of touch. We call our emotions feelings, and we care most deeply when something "touches" us". Problems can be thorny, ticklish, sticky, or need to be handled with kid gloves." - Diane Ackerman, A Natural History of the Senses, Speaking of Touch

Statement: I used books I had in my library that I’ve had from childhood to most recently. It’s positioning shows how life isn’t as straightforward as one would be educated in. The work is to symbolize how language can "touch" us deeply. Fantasy is taught through multiple aspects, through "metaphors", and colorful language. War, even fictional, can be all the more eye opening to read about becoming "thorny" and "sticky". Once opened we regress back to state of childlike innocence, the mind handling it "with kid gloves". Once accepting the situation in front of us, passing on what you know helps the next. The parallel is to how books can deeply touch us with their words and to life.



"Just as there are many forms of pain, there are many remedies for it. Anesthetics like novocaine or cocaine either block the body’s ability to send high frequency pain signals to the brain or will not allow sodium to flow into the nerve cell. - Diane Ackerman, A Natural History of the Senses, Easing Pain

Statement: I used a record players and two albums I had in my possession. I found that music, such as R&B and intense music, can be a way with cope with pain. Orchestra can relax and center ones being, brining sense to distress and chaos. R&B can bring joy and movement to yourself, as well as others around you. Music is a type of remedy that can "sooth the soul". It’s an "anesthetic like novocaine or cocaine" it calms you and "blocks the body’s" and minds ability to prolong intense suffering.


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