
Touch Assignment

  Evolution Photograph "Language is steeped in metaphors of touch. We call our emotions feelings, and we care most deeply when something "touches" us". Problems can be thorny, ticklish, sticky, or need to be handled with kid gloves." - Diane Ackerman, A Natural History of the Senses, Speaking of Touch Statement: I used books I had in my library that I’ve had from childhood to most recently. It’s positioning shows how life isn’t as straightforward as one would be educated in. The work is to symbolize how language can "touch" us deeply. Fantasy is taught through multiple aspects, through "metaphors", and colorful language. War, even fictional, can be all the more eye opening to read about becoming "thorny" and "sticky". Once opened we regress back to state of childlike innocence, the mind handling it "with kid gloves". Once accepting the situation in front of us, passing on what you know helps the next. The parall...

Nature Sculptures Images/ Artist Statement

  Statement:     For this project, we were assigned in class to study images from nature’s and creature something from inspiration using selected materials that spread across 6 pieces of work. This included materials such as tape, wire, string, paint, etc. Using images from both organic and inorganic nature these pieces were born into reality and are a staple to how far we’ve come in class.     Majority of these projects, such as the first 3, were based organic nature which includes exotic flora and animals. Using these materials created a loose inspiration for what these would look like, from the Venus fly trap to the chameleon and reptilians of the rainforest. The rest were inspired by inorganic, this included seashells and webbing made by any common spider. The meaning behind the final solution is that whether organic or inorganic, these pieces show to the eye of the beholder that what the mind and eyes see can be more an interesting outlook than what is just...

100 Objects Final Images


100 Objects Images


Dinner and A Movie Final Image/ Artist Statement

  Statement:     This project was introduced to us as a way to physically represent a film, either well known or not mainstreamed, in the form of a place of sitting at the dinner table getting ready to eat a meal. For this film, I chose the popular mainstream films of "Fast and the Furious" and the idea was to best represent some of the main aspects on the series. Showing the constructive side rather than the close family ties and action adventured scenes and high speed pursuits these films have spoiled us with.     Since the series is mainly set around main characters who are very mechanically gifted I wanted to represent it as such. The overall symmetry represented in the tools shows how they were organized and centered when it came to planning out their vehicles, primarily being methodical. The tire and the tank show the creative aspect of unit, mainly how the combine interesting modifications to their vehicles to get whatever job done smart and effectively. ...

Wrapped Individual Final Image/ Artist Statement

  Statement:     This project was introduced to us as a way to represent a predetermined topic from a list that we as a class had to choose from, in this case the topic of Loss was chosen. Specifics were to wrap at least 95% of a human model to represent the chosen topic. Rather than represent mainstream loss through traditional means such as through obvious representation a more unique approach was taken.     Loss is represent through signs of depression and loss of function in said representative forms. Being bound by ones loss is shown by the arms being bound and held by the sheets on the pillars, as well as the black sheets draping over showing how loss is all consuming, showing no sign of relent. That being said being blinded by grief of such loss is shown by the red sheet wrapped around the models eyes. Location held significance as well, being that places of worship can lead to great reminders of loss, as well as hoping this feeling is lifted and peace is...

Wrapped Individual Images
